Copy of View

An entity that accepts a collection of properties and returns an element.


As opposed to a Function, the property order for views doesn't matter, it always produces the same type signature. The only valid return types for a view are the Primitives.

view SimpleView(age: number, name: string) -> {
  <div />

// is equivalent to

view AlternateView(name: string, age: number) -> {
  <div />

// and

type SpreadType {
  age: number;
  name: string;

view SpreadView(...props: SpreadType) -> {
  <div />

SimpleView.Props;     // $Type(age: number, name: string)
AlternateView.Props;  // $Type(age: number, name: string)
SpreadView.Props;     // SpreadType -> $Type(age: number, name: string)

// $View<SimpleView.Props, SimpleView()>
//   -> $View<$Type(age: number, name: string), SimpleView()>

// $View<AlternateView.Props, AlternateView()>
//   -> $View<$Type(age: number, name: string), AlternateView()>

// $View<SpreadView.Props, SpreadView()>
//   -> $View<SpreadType, SpreadView()>
//   -> $View<$Type(age: number, name: string), SpreadView()>


In order to differentiate elements for more efficient re-rendering, keys can be provided (this might not actually be necessary based on how we build the dependency graphs).

view ListView(items: string[]) -> {
  <ul class="list">
    {, index) => {
      <li({index}) class="list__item">

Omit Parentheses

When your view does not accept properties, the parentheses can be omitted.

view SimpleView() -> { /* ... */ } // not preferred

view SimpleView -> { /* ... */ }   // preferred

View Composition

Building your view's with composition in mind allows you to re-use them easily and combine them with other view's to create complex experiences for your users with ease.


Composition is achieved by using special <slot> tags to inject content placed within the containing view. This allows view's to be more easily re-used, such as a complex "button" that can have different textual content injected into it.

view WrappingView -> {
  <div class="wrapper">
    <slot />

view ComposingView -> {
      <span>Inner Content</span>

// generates the following HTML
// <h1>
//   <div class="wrapper">
//     <span>Inner Content</span>
//   </div>
// </h1>

Named Slots

In order to inject multiple different pieces of content, slots can be named and matched to the keys provided on elements placed into the view.

view ModalView {
  <div class="modal">
    <h1 class="modal__header">
      <slot(header) />
    <div class="modal__body">
      <slot(body) />
    <div class="modal__footer">
      <slot(footer) />

view AlertModal {
    <span(header)>This is a modal</span>
      <p>some content...</p>
      <p>some more content...</p>

// generates the following HTML
// <div class="modal">
//   <h1 class="modal__header">
//     <span>This is a modal</span>
//   </h1>
//   <div class="modal__body">
//     <div>
//       <p>some content...</p>
//       <p>some more content...</p>
//     </div>
//     <div>
//       <div class="modal__footer">
//         <div>
//           <button>Cancel</button>
//           <button>OK</button>
//         </div>
//       <div>
//     <div>
//   </div>
// </div>

Default Content

Slots can be provided with default content that is replaced if overridden by the containing view.

view NamedSlotView -> {
  <div class="named-slot">
      <span>some default content</span>

view NonComposingView -> {
  <NamedSlotView />

view ComposingView -> {
    <h1>overridden content</h1>

// generates the following HTML
// <div class="named-slot">
//   <span>some default content</span>
// </div>

// generates the following HTML
// <div class="named-slot">
//   <h1>overridden content</h1>
// </div>

Alternate Composition

The above solution might not be so good because it ties you more closely to only being able to use the children in a very rigid way. This alternative pattern sticks closer to React's children.


The keyword children is available within any view to easily access the children placed into it.

view WrappingView -> {
  <div class="wrapper">

view ComposingView -> {
      <span>Inner Content</span>

// generates the following HTML
// <h1>
//   <div class="wrapper">
//     <span>Inner Content</span>
//   </div>
// </h1>

Named Slots

In order to inject multiple different pieces of content, children can be selected based on their keys.

view ModalView -> {
  <div class="modal">
    <h1 class="modal__header">
    <div class="modal__body">
    <div class="modal__footer">

view AlertModal -> {
    <span(header)>This is a modal</span>
      <p>some content...</p>
      <p>some more content...</p>

// generates the following HTML
// <div class="modal">
//   <h1 class="modal__header">
//     <span>This is a modal</span>
//   </h1>
//   <div class="modal__body">
//     <div>
//       <p>some content...</p>
//       <p>some more content...</p>
//     </div>
//   <div>
//   <div class="modal__footer">
//     <div>
//       <button>Cancel</button>
//       <button>OK</button>
//     </div>
//   <div>
// </div>

Extend or Implement Other Views

Override or extend the signature and functionality of another view.

view BaseView(x: string, y: string) -> {
  <div>You are the {x} to my {y}</div>

Property Type Inheritance

Properties by the same name as the super view inherit the same types by default.

view CopyView(x, y) : BaseView -> {
  x; // string
  y; // string

Simple Property Transformation

Easily transform properties before applying them to a base view.

view SimpleExtendingView(x, y) : BaseView(x: `x: {x}`, y);

Partially Apply Properties

Properties can be applied during view declaration. If no properties are passed to the extended view, the parentheses can be omitted.

view PartialApplicationExtendingView(x, y) : BaseView(x) -> {
  super(y: `my value {y}`)

// or without partial application

view NoPartialApplicationExtendingView(x, y) : BaseView -> {
  let formatted = `my value {y}`;

  super(x, y: formatted);

Extend and Augment Signature

Override and the property signature of the extended view.

view AugmentedExtendingView(x, y: number, z: string) : BaseView -> {
  let formatted = `my value {y} with {z}`;

  super(x, y: formatted);

AugmentedExtendingView.Props; // $Type(x: string, y: number, z: string)

Extension as an Interface

Use extend another view for its signature.

view InterfacingView(x, y) : BaseView -> {
  <span>Some other {x} of {y}</span>

Nest Super Content

Nest content from super view inside of more tags.

view NestedExtendingView(x, y) : BaseView(x, y) -> {
  <h1 id="nested">

Full view declaration syntax

NOTE: consider an alternative to with such as the & character.

view ComplexView(a, b, c) : BaseView(a, b) ~ SomeState, OtherState(), SomeProvider, OtherProvider(c) -> {


Create State explicitly (bypass dependency injection)

Ignore grabbing a state from the currect scope by partially or fully constructing one in the declaration of the view.

state MyState(y: string, x: number) -> { }

// force a local state while receiving parameters from a provider / multiple partial application providers
view SomeView ~ MyState() -> { }

view PartialConstructionView ~ MyState#(x: 2) -> { }
view PartialConstructionView ~ MyState('abc') -> { }

Partial Context Application

state ValueProvider($x: number, $y: number) -> { }

view TopLevel -> {
  <ValueProvider x={123}>
      <ChildComponent />

view ChildComponent -> {
  <ValueProvider y={657}>
      <DependentComponent />

view DependentComponent ~ ValueProvider {
    <span>x: {$x}</span>
    <span>y: {$y}</span>

Last updated

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